Agent Messaging – Collette B2B
BRAND & style guide DESIGN • emails • print ads • social posts • DISPLAY ADS
Print Ads
Social Posts
Display Ads
Style Guide
(Click to Enlarge)
About This Project —
In collaboration with Collette’s Director of Marketing and Communications Manager, developed a full brand design for the B2B channel to communicate Collette’s dedication to supporting travel agents. To develop this project I completed competitor research and examined the travel agent market to see what we were competing with. We collected research and testimonials from our agent partners to learn about how Collette could improve our agent messaging strategy. Our initial concept was “You Are Part of Us”, to showcase how Collette always strives to include agents as part of the family. Upon feedback from company leadership, we moved towards a more service-based approach with “Sincerely Yours”. I then partnered with a copywriter to develop concepts for emails, social posts, print & digital ads, and a style guide. Tools: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sketch